Ass. Prof. Dr. Ersi̇n Kayalibag


Ass. Prof. Dr. Ersi̇n Kayalibag

Speciality: - general

Assistant Professor Dr. Ersi̇n Kayalibag specializes in general surgery and is currently working at Medipol Sivakoy University Hospital. He started […]

Languages: • English • Turkish





مساعد بورفيسور

الدرجة العلمية


سنوات الخبرة

Ass. Prof. Dr. Ersi̇n Kayalibag




Ass. Prof. Dr. Ersi̇n Kayalibag

Ass. Prof. Dr. Ersi̇n Kayalibag

Assistant Professor Dr. Ersi̇n Kayalibag specializes in general surgery and is currently working at Medipol Sivakoy University Hospital. He started his medical career after graduating from Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine in 1997, and completed his specialization at Okmeydani Education and Research Hospital in 2004. He worked at Gölcük Military Hospital between 2004 and 2005, then at Passion Hospital until 2007, and then at Asian Private Hospital until 2013. He joined Medipol Sivakoy University in 2014, where he continues his academic and medical work with extensive experience in general surgery.

University study

He graduated from the Istanbul Faculty of Medicine



Istanbul Okmeydani Hospital Faculty of Medicine Education and Research


لم يتم إضافة أي جوائز للطبيب

2008-2013 Asian Private Hospital

Golcuk Military Hospital 2004-2005

2005-2007 Emotion Hospital

Works at Medipol University Sefaköy Hospital


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