اختصاص الجراحة العامة البروفيسور الدكتور مصطفى أويغار قلايجي


Prof. Dr. Mustapha Oigar Galayji

Speciality: - general - gastro

Prof. Dr. Mustapha Oigar Galayji is a general surgeon and Associate Professor of General Surgery at the University of Health […]

Languages: • English • Turkish






الدرجة العلمية


سنوات الخبرة

Prof. Dr. Mustapha Oigar Galayji




اختصاص الجراحة العامة البروفيسور الدكتور مصطفى أويغار قلايجي

Prof. Dr. Mustapha Oigar Galayji

Prof. Dr. Mustapha Oigar Galayji is a general surgeon and Associate Professor of General Surgery at the University of Health Sciences, working at Istanbul’s Medecin Hospital. He graduated from Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine in 1992 and specialized in general surgery at Ankara Oncology Hospital. He has worked in several prestigious hospitals and medical centers, specializing in laparoscopic and robotic surgery. He received training in laparoscopic colorectal surgery and robotic surgery in France and Germany. He has published more than 40 scientific articles and has expertise in emergency surgery, oncology, obesity, and hernia.


Selcuk University - Faculty of Medicine


Master's degree

Selcuk University - Faculty of Medicine


Specialization stage

Ankara Oncology Hospital - General Surgery


لم يتم إضافة أي شهادات للطبيب

Incentive Award for Essays, Your J Surg Oncol

Reduction of seroma formation using fibrin glue in an animal mastectomy model


Best Publication Award at the 7th European Congress of Emergency and Trauma Surgery, Malmö, Sweden

Early cholecystectomy outcomes after acute biliary pancreatitis


Awareness Poster Award, 26th National Digestive Diseases Week, Ankara

Effect of imatinib on liver function tests and inflammatory parameters in partial portal vein ligati


Best Poster in Awareness Presentation Category, 10th National Congress of Laparoscopic Surgery, Istanbul, 2012

Analysis of the distribution of colonic polyps and polypectomy outcomes in a colonoscopy series.


Member of the Turkish Society of Surgery (Türk Cerrahi Derneği)

Member of the Turkish Hernia Society (Fıtık Derneği)

Member of the Turkish Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery (Türk Kolon ve Rektum Cerrahisi Derneği)

Member of the National Association of Trauma and Emergency Surgery (Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Derneği)

Member of Istanbul Surgical Society (İstanbul Cerrahi Derneği)

Member of the Turkish Society of Hepato-Pankreatiko-Biliyer Cerrahi Derneği


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