In the modern world of medicine, where technology and innovation seek to provide effective solutions to health issues, laparoscopic gastric banding is emerging as one of the leading options for the treatment of obesity. It is not just a surgical procedure; it is a journey towards a new life, where weight is controlled, and overall health is enhanced through a simple but innovative approach.
With this procedure, the patient can regain their health balance and live a life full of energy and vitality while easily achieving their health and aesthetic goals.
Join us in this article to explore how laparoscopic gastric banding can be the key to achieving a healthier and happier lifestyle.
What is laparoscopic gastric banding for weight loss?

Laparoscopic gastric banding is the first option of gastric restrictive surgery in Turkey. In this procedure, the surgeon uses a combination of techniques to reduce the size of the stomach.
After gastric restrictive surgery (gastric reduction surgery), you’ll feel full faster and eat less, leading to weight loss.
The three types of restrictive bariatric surgery (operations to reduce the size of the stomach) for weight loss are:
- Laparoscopic gastric banding.
- Vertical gastric band surgery.
- Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.
Types of Absorption Reduction Surgeries:
Conditions for gastric banding surgery
Gastric banding, also known as laparoscopic gastric band surgery, is a surgical procedure used to help people lose weight. To be successful and safe, patients must adhere to a set of conditions and criteria before undergoing the procedure. These conditions include:
- Body mass index (BMI): Gastric banding is usually recommended for people with a BMI of 40 or more or 35 or more if they have obesity-related health conditions such as type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure.
- Other methods of weight loss have failed: The patient must have tried non-surgical methods of weight loss, such as diet and exercise, without sufficient success.
- Psychological readiness: It is important for the patient to be psychologically prepared to change their lifestyle and adhere to diet and exercise recommendations after the procedure.
- General health status: The patient must be in good enough general health to tolerate the surgery, including no serious health issues that would preclude surgery.
- Medical consultation: The patient should undergo a comprehensive medical consultation with the bariatric surgeon, nutritionist, and psychologist to assess his/her medical and psychological condition and make sure he/she is a suitable candidate for the procedure.
- Commitment to medical follow-up: The patient should be prepared to commit to regular medical visits after the procedure to monitor their progress and maintain their health.
- No eating disorders: The patient should not suffer from eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa or anorexia nervosa.
Adhering to these conditions and criteria helps increase the chances of success and minimize the potential risks of gastric banding. Each case must be discussed individually with the doctor to determine suitability for the procedure.
How does laparoscopic gastric banding for weight loss work?

The surgeon uses laparoscopy (which involves small incisions in the abdomen) to place an adjustable silicone band around the upper part of the stomach.
The stomach, which is compressed by the silicone band, becomes a pouch with a small port about 2 centimeters wide.
After gastric banding, the stomach can only hold about 30 grams of food.
A plastic tube or band extends from the silicone ring to a device that sits just under the skin.
This device allows saline (sterile salt water) to be injected or removed through the skin, inflating and deflating the silicone ring through this saline solution.
The saline solution fills the band and makes it tighter. In this way, the band can be tightened to optimize weight loss or loosened as needed to minimize side effects.
How do I prepare for laparoscopic gastric banding surgery in Turkey?
Depending on your surgeon, preparation for surgery will vary.
Many doctors like to see a patient’s commitment to necessary lifestyle changes even before surgery.
Your doctor may suggest that you start eating 5 to 6 small meals a day to prepare for the changes to come.
Your surgeon may recommend that you stay away from high-calorie foods like ice cream or milkshakes (as these foods will continue to be easily absorbed after the procedure).
If your BMI is greater than 50, or if there are other medical issues, medical risk reduction may be needed before surgery and should be discussed in detail.
In addition, a 5% to 10% weight loss prior to surgery has been shown to improve surgical outcomes.
What are the results of laparoscopic gastric banding?
Gastric banding is no longer commonly performed due to its high failure rate.
The procedure usually results in about 35% to 45% weight loss.
For example, a person who is 50 kilos overweight might expect to lose about 17-22 kilos after gastric banding.
However, results vary widely. The device can be reversed and stopped if necessary, and in time, the stomach generally returns to its normal size.
What can I expect my lifestyle to be like after gastric banding surgery?

Immediately after the procedure, there will be some pain and discomfort that can be controlled with medication.
This is part of the normal healing phase after any surgical procedure.
After 6 to 8 weeks, you can generally return to normal activities.
Weight loss with LAGB is a gradual process. Initially, weight loss may be faster (about 1 to 1.5 kg per week).
However, this generally slows down in the long term.
Of course, food choices will control the rate of weight loss.
After about 18 months, weight loss tends to slow down significantly.
The average weight loss for this procedure is 40% of excess body weight in the first year, with an additional 10% to 20% in the second year so that the effect is lost after several years.
Patients are usually asked to stay in touch with their surgeon during this period of time as an adjustment to the gastric band may be needed.
These ratios are the best ratios that can be reached with proper food choices.
Gastric banding side effects
People experience fewer issues with gastric banding than with other surgeries.
The risk of dying from gastric banding is less than one in 3000.
The most common issues after gastric band surgery include the following:
- Vomiting and nausea can often be minimized by adjusting the tightness of the belt.
- Minor surgical complications.
Unlike gastric anastomosis surgery, gastric banding does not interfere with food absorption. For this reason, vitamin deficiencies are rare after gastric banding.
Studies on gastric banding
One of the most important studies says that only 10% of patients obtained sufficient weight loss in the long term, which is a very low number compared to other operations. Therefore, we recommend this operation only for patients who have a serious intention to lose weight by changing their health system and following an appropriate sports program.
and who have not been able to lose weight without surgery.
At Bimaristan Medical Center, we understand your dream of a healthy, perfectly shaped body. Gastric banding is a proven weight loss solution that helps you control your appetite and shed excess weight safely.
Obesity is more than just a cosmetic concern—it’s a medical condition that requires proper treatment. Visit our website to explore gastric banding and other advanced weight loss procedures tailored to your needs.
Take the first step toward a healthier life today!
Contact us now on WhatsApp for a free consultation!
The cost of laparoscopic gastric banding surgery in Turkey
The cost of laparoscopic gastric banding surgery in Turkey varies based on several factors, including the hospital or medical center chosen, the experience of the surgeon, and accompanying services such as medical consultations and post-operative care. In general, the cost of the procedure in Turkey ranges from 3,000 to 7,000 USD.
This price range may change based on the following factors:
- Hospital or medical center: Some hospitals offer luxurious services and extra amenities, which increases the cost of the procedure.
- Experience of the surgeon: Surgeons who have extensive experience in this type of procedure may ask for a higher fee.
- Pre-operative tests and consultations: The cost of the procedure usually includes pre-operative tests and analyses, as well as consultations with the surgeon and dietitian.
- Post-surgical care: Some centers offer post-operative care packages that include follow-up visits and nutritional counseling.
It’s always best to get multiple offers and evaluations from different hospitals and medical centers in Turkey to ensure you choose the best option in terms of quality and cost.
At Bimaristan Medical Center, we offer free consultations and special offers tailored to your needs. Contact us now on WhatsApp for a personalized consultation!