Treatment in Turkey
What distinguishes treatment in Turkey from other countries, and what are the prices of treatment there? What is meant by medical tourism?
In the past 10 years, the number of tourists seeking treatment in the world has exceeded 10 million and achieved an annual turnover of $100 billion.
In addition, it is estimated that the number of tourists in thermal tourism (sulfur waters, mineral waters) and natural treatments far exceeds this figure.
Health tourism is not a very new concept. Since ancient Greece, people have traveled to treat their illnesses.
Health tourism differs from local treatments in that it involves traveling to a city or country different from one’s place of residence to treat various ailments.
One of the first countries interested in medical tourism is Türkiye.
As Turkey’s geographical and strategic location, in addition to the high quality of service adopted internationally, and the climate that avoids extreme heat or cold,
The flight distance to three continents does not exceed four hours, enabling it to reach 1.5 billion people in the world to provide them with the latest treatment methods in the world.
Why treatment in Türkiye?
First, the quality of world-class health services, as Turkey is constantly working to bring in the latest medical devices.
High medical efficiency, as after political stability, Turkey worked to return all doctors from outside the country and motivate them to open multiple medical centers to serve their medical specialties.
Competitive price advantages.
Personal and diverse services.
Number of internationally accredited health institutions and organizations Joint Commission International (JCI).
The presence of many companies that facilitate the patient’s access to hospitals for treatment. Most hospitals, whether public or private, also have translators who speak several languages.
The waiting time in hospitals is relatively short for the patient.
Rich cultural heritage.
These features have an important role in shaping the ideas of tourists who visit the country temporarily and people who want to spend the rest of their lives in another country after retirement.
Patients do not choose Türkiye as a priority only because of the price ratios. The cost of medical treatment and surgeries in Turkey is very reasonable compared to many Western European and developed countries. For example, in vitro fertilization treatment in the United States is approximately $15,000 to $16,000, while in Turkey it is less than $2,000.
Laser treatment of myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism ranges from medical operations as in European countries from 4000 to 8000 euros, while it is 600 euros in Turkey. Open Heart Surgery average price in European countries is 25,000 EUR while it is 10,000 USD in first class hospitals in Turkey.
Retirees who suffer from health problems due to the high prices witnessed in Western Europe and other developed countries in the field of health care after retirement also prefer to continue their lives in Turkey. This situation leads to international retirement migration.
Finally, let us not forget that due to the rapid decline of the Turkish lira, prices in Turkey were competitive with the cheapest medical prices in India, for example, with the difference in medical development.
For health tourism, health institutions and organizations must be accredited by the Joint Commission International (JCI). There are about 45 accredited health institution units in Turkey/hospital and it ranks second globally in this regard. Most of these accredited organizations are located in Istanbul. Istanbul ranks first globally in both the number of accredited health institutions and the diversity of health services.
It is worth noting that there are a large number of Arab doctors who work in all different hospital sectors and who have obtained prestigious academic degrees and who have real contributions to facilitating medical tourism in Turkey.

In the last 4 years, more than 18 city hospitals (Şehir Hastane) have been built in Turkey.
These hospitals were established in accordance with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey.
Unlike regular city hospitals and state training and research hospitals, they were organized as large regional health complexes.
The aim is to meet all types of health needs with the most advanced technological and medical facilities by including all types of health units. Distributed throughout Turkey, the smallest hospital contains 500 beds, while the largest has 3,600 beds.
Types of treatment centers in Türkiye in terms of prices and services
Treatment prices in hospitals in Türkiye are divided into 6 categories.
Treatment prices in Türkiye in state hospitals
Primary hospitals: These hospitals perform simple operations and the prices are very reasonable, but complex operations are not performed.
Second-class research and training hospitals: Complex operations are performed in these hospitals, but the center is relatively small. The price is suitable for those with limited income.
University and city hospitals (şehir hastane): They are considered giant hospitals and all complex operations are performed in them. The price is relatively high, but it is still lower than private hospitals in most cases, but in other cases it may be more, so the price must be checked before starting treatment.
Treatment in Türkiye in private hospitals
Small private hospitals: Only small operations are performed.
Modern and large hospitals, but not a chain where the price is the same as or slightly higher than university hospitals.
Hospital chains such as Medical Park, Aji Badem, and Medicana: These are advanced hospitals and their prices are high, but still lower than the prices in the European Union and America.
We at Bimaristan Company choose the best treatment centers in Turkey in terms of price and experience.
You can read all articles and all scientific developments in Türkiye below.
What are the cheapest hospitals in Turkey?
The cheapest hospitals in Türkiye are the first-class hospitals in the country.
What are the best treatment centers in Türkiye?
At Bimaristan Center, we cooperate with many hospitals and doctors. But more specifically, we communicate with the doctor directly so that we choose the appropriate doctor and accordingly the hospital is chosen based on the doctor’s opinion.
Treatment in Türkiye with the Bimaristan medical team
It may seem to some that treatment in India is cheaper than treatment in Turkey, and therefore it may sometimes be preferred by patients, but we at Bimaristan Company help you greatly in obtaining the best price for treatment, not exceeding the prices in India, with greater medical progress.
What is the best country for treatment?
It is certain that for the Arab citizen, Turkey, and especially Istanbul, is the best destination in the field of medical tourism due to the entry of Arab doctors in all fields and their acquaintance with the best doctors who have excellence in certain fields, and this matter is not available in any other country.