All-on-four dental implants, also known as innovative implants, are a modern medical innovation that has changed the concept of replacing missing teeth. Turkey is one of the world’s leading destinations in this field, with its hospitals and medical centers offering the latest technology and medical services at competitive prices and high quality.
All-on-four is an advanced solution for people with multiple missing teeth in the lower or upper jaw. It allows only four implants to support a full dental bridge. This approach is characterized by the fact that the prosthesis can be placed on the same day as the implant procedure, significantly reducing time and costs.
In this article, we will detail how All-on-four dental implants are performed in Turkey and their multiple benefits for patients looking for advanced medical solutions to restore dental function and quality.
What is the all-on-four method for same-day dental implants?
All-on-four implants, also known as All-on-four implants, have been used for 10 years with proven scientific success.
In this technique, two implants are placed in the posterior regions of the jaws at an angle of 30-35 degrees with the help of a surgical guide, while two anterior implants are placed for support.
These four teeth are fitted with a fixed dental prosthesis.
When dental implants to replace missing teeth are delayed with age and due to the constant pressure on the jawbone from the dental prosthesis, this leads to erosion of the jawbone and a decrease in its thickness, which leads to difficulty in implantation in both the lower and upper jaw due to the passage of the alveolar nerve in the lower jaw and the presence of the maxillary sinus in the upper jaw. This thickness does not give enough space for the implant.
Implantation in these locations requires several additional sessions of advanced surgical techniques, which means approximately one year of treatment time (due to the need for a bone graft) and a high cost to the patient.
What is the All-on-Four technique in full-mouth dental implants in Turkey
All-on-four implants allow the patient to place fixed dental implants, bypassing all anatomical obstacles.
Patients who have lost all their teeth are fitted with implants in the morning with all-on-four technology and then have fixed dentures in the evening.
After 3-4 months, the main permanent prosthetic crowns are made, and a fitting is performed.

During this period, patients do not live without teeth at all.
As a result, patients can remove and replace their entire natural teeth and get both implant roots and crowns in one day.
The patient can get full dental implants in one day.
What are the features and benefits of all-on-four implant treatment?
- It is a technique in which a fixed dental prosthesis can be applied to people without teeth with a single surgical procedure on the same day.
- It does not include any other surgical procedures, such as sinus lift surgery or adding bone (bone graft).
- Thanks to implants placed at certain angles in the back of the jawbone, the anatomical formations in the front teeth’ positions are not damaged, as in the figure.
Because the thickness and density of the bone from the back are greater and the teeth’ age is longer, posterior oblique implants are used to support the front teeth during jaw implantation.

- It is also easier to clean and maintain than conventional dental implants.
- It is very suitable for patients who cannot use removable (movable) dentures and have a nausea reflex towards the denture.
- Its design is different from full dentures (dentures).
- The number of sessions required is small.
It is preferred by patients residing abroad or coming from other countries. - Esthetics and function are achieved in one day.
- Bone loss caused by the denture is stopped.
- Speaking and chewing functions are improved.
- Rapid healing results in less pain and less discomfort.
Who can apply the all-on-four implant technique or jawbone dental implants in Turkey?
The all-on-four treatment can be applied to all patients with no teeth (toothlessness) who do not have any disease that may interfere with dental implant surgery and have sufficient bone thickness.
What are the stages of implanting all jaw teeth in one day in Turkey?
Patients scheduled to receive all-on-four treatment must first undergo a detailed clinical and radiological examination. Proper patient planning is done by making precise measurements on a computerized tomography (CT) scan.
The all-on-four procedure consists of two phases: the surgical procedure and the prosthodontic phase.
In the first phase of the treatment day, four dental implants are placed for the patient as planned, and a temporary dental prosthesis is attached to the roots of the dental implants.

In the next step, after 3 months, the patient’s permanent denture is fixed.
Will I experience pain after jaw dental implants in Turkey?
As with every dental implant procedure, some pain and swelling can be observed afterward.
But of course, these complaints can be easily controlled by the medications you use according to your doctor’s advice.
All-on-four dental implant treatment process
The all-on-four dental procedure is a procedure that can easily be performed under local anesthesia.
However, it can also be performed under general anesthesia in patients with high levels of anxious fear.
What will my nutrition be like after the all-on-four procedure?
You can use a temporary dental prosthesis attached to your dental implants right after the procedure.
However, you must follow a diet that your doctor recommends for three months, during which time the dental implants are fused to the bone.
After the 3-month operation is completed and the permanent jaw is fixed, you can eat freely.
Is all-on-four implantation a successful procedure?
Studies show that the all-on-four procedure is a treatment method with a high success rate at long-term follow-up.
This study of 471 patients shows the success of this implantation method, with 95% of the teeth holding up after 10 years and 92% holding up after 18 years.
Reading our articles, you can learn about dental implants via a 3D surgical guide.
We at Bimaristan Center provide you with the best hospitals and the most important and latest technologies used in dental centers and clinics in Turkey.