Doctors Doctors we trust in Bimaristan Asst. Prof. Dr. Huseyin Saffet Bekoz - internal-medicine - hematology Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Ozel - maxillofacial surgery - dentistry Doctors Asst. Prof. Kivanc Berke AK - maxillofacial surgery - dentistry Doctors Prof. Dr. Mahmut Kusdemir - teeth health - dentistry Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Caner Atalay - periodontology - dentistry Doctors Prof. Dr. Zeki Sekerci - neurosurgery - neuro oncology Doctors Prof. Dr. Nejat Akalan - neurosurgery - neuro oncology Doctors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammet Ari̇f Ozbek - neurosurgery - disc herniation Doctors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Tonge - neurosurgery - cerebrovascular Doctors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hakan Ozalp - pituitary tumors - neurosurgery Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Cevdet Gokcek - neurosurgery - neuro oncology Doctors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burak Orhan Boran - pediatric neurosurgery - neurosurgery Doctors Prof. Dr. Cem Dink - neurosurgery Doctors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alican Tahta - neurosurgery - neuro oncology Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Burak Eren - neurosurgery Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Sarhat Bahadir Genc - cardiovascular Doctors Prof. Dr. Korhan Erkanli - cardiovascular Doctors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Cetinkal - spondylolisthesis - neurosurgery Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Hasan Erdem - cardiovascular Doctors Prof. Dr. Sina Uckan - maxillofacial surgery - dentistry Doctors Prof. Dr. Hali̇l Turkoglu - cardiovascular Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Emre Selcuk - cardiovascular Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Emi̇r Canturk - cardiovascular Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr Deniz Gunay - cardiovascular Doctors Prof. Dr. Cengiz Koksal - cardiovascular Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Bilge Yilmaz - cardiovascular Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Temiz - maxillofacial surgery - dentistry Doctors Prof. Dr. Hakan Alpay Karasu - maxillofacial surgery - dentistry Doctors Prof. Dr. Gokhan Gurler - maxillofacial surgery - dentistry Doctors Prof. Dr. Baris Cagri Delilbasi - maxillofacial surgery - dentistry Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Arif Yigit Guler - maxillofacial surgery - dentistry Doctors Prof. Dr. Yildirim Ahmet Bayazit - otorhinolaryngology - head and neck Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Yasi̇n Kulaksiz - rhinology - otorhinolaryngology Doctors Prof. Dr. Tolga Kandogan - rhinology - otorhinolaryngology Doctors Prof. Dr. Bahadir Daglar - cardiovascular Doctors Prof. Dr. Ahmet Sasmazel - cardiovascular Doctors Prof. Dr. Selahattin Tugrul - paediatrics - otorhinolaryngology Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Naci Karacaoglan - plastic reconstructive Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Burak Ozkan - plastic reconstructive Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Burak Ergun Tatar - plastic reconstructive Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Safak Gulec - otorhinolaryngology - head and neck Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Tuba Gunay - gynecology obstetrics Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Sukri̇ye Leyla Altuntas - gynecology obstetrics Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Seymi̇n Ayvaz - gynecology obstetrics Doctors Prof. Dr. Ozmen Ozturk - rhinology - otorhinolaryngology Doctors Prof. Dr. Omer Faruk Calim - rhinology - otorhinolaryngology Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Necdet Ozcelik - otorhinolaryngology - head and neck Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Sai̇d Tekin - rhinology - otorhinolaryngology Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Saadet Unsal - gynecology obstetrics Doctors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammet Fati̇h Topuz - rhinology - otorhinolaryngology Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Reyhan Has - gynecology obstetrics Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Murvet Hakyemez - gynecology obstetrics Doctors Prof. Dr. Isa Aykut Ozdemir - gynecology obstetrics Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Cakir - rhinology - otorhinolaryngology Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Lutfu Seneldir - rhinology - otorhinolaryngology Doctors Prof. Dr. Huseyin Seven - otorhinolaryngology - laryngology Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Huseyin Ozcan - otorhinolaryngology - head and neck Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Hi̇lmi̇ Cem Kaya - rhinology - otorhinolaryngology Doctors Prof. Dr. Hasan Demirhan - rhinology - otorhinolaryngology Doctors Prof. Dr. Huri̇ye Ayse Parlakgumus - gynecology obstetrics Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Hulya Aladag - gynecology obstetrics Doctors Prof. Dr. Gonca Yetki̇n YildiIrim - gynecology obstetrics Doctors Prof. Dr. Fi̇gen Kir - gynecology obstetrics Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Feride Mimaroglu - gynecology obstetrics Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Fatma Olmez - gynecology obstetrics Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Evri̇m Bostanci Ergen - gynecology obstetrics Doctors Prof. Dr. Esra Nur Tola - gynecology obstetrics Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Hanifi Kaya - rhinology - otorhinolaryngology Doctors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gokhan Altin - rhinology - otorhinolaryngology Doctors Prof. Dr. Fevzi Sefa Derekoy - otorhinolaryngology - head and neck Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Fati̇h Yunus Emre - rhinology - otorhinolaryngology Doctors Prof. Dr. Erkan Soylu - rhinology - otorhinolaryngology Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Erkan Kilic - rhinology - otorhinolaryngology Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Elvin Alaskarov - rhinology - otorhinolaryngology Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Eli̇f Ci̇ler Eren - gynecology obstetrics Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Duygu Isil Gencer - gynecology obstetrics Doctors Prof. Dr. Di̇lek Benk Silfeler - gynecology obstetrics Doctors Prof. Dr. Celil Uslu - rhinology - otorhinolaryngology Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Celal Gunay - otorhinolaryngology Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Barkin Yavuz - otorhinolaryngology Doctors Prof. Dr. Yusuf Yildirim - retina - eye diseases Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Ugur Yayla - pediatrics - eye diseases Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Ugur Tunc - lens - eye diseases Doctors Prof. Dr. Mustafa Ozsutcu - General Ophthalmology - eye diseases Doctors Prof. Dr. Mustafa Eliacik - eye diseases - cornea Doctors Prof. Dr. Mehmet Selim Kocabora - General Ophthalmology - eye diseases Doctors Prof. Dr. Goktug Demirci - General Ophthalmology - eye diseases Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Derya Yasar - gynecology obstetrics Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Canan Acar Demir - gynecology obstetrics Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Aysu Akca - gynecology obstetrics Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Ayse Seyma Kucukakca - gynecology obstetrics Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Asi̇ye Uzun - gynecology obstetrics Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Fai̇k Engi̇n Azman - General Ophthalmology - eye diseases Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Uygar Duzci - general Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Turgut Donmez - general Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Tuba Mert - general Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Refi̇k Bademci - general Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Peli̇n Basim - general Doctors Prof. Dr. Cengiz Aras - retina - eye diseases Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Caner Karakaya - General Ophthalmology - eye diseases Doctors Prof. Dr. Mustafa Oncel - general Doctors Prof. Dr. Mustafa Celaletti̇n Haksal - general Doctors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cafer Tanriverdi - oculoplastics - eye diseases Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Mi̇rac İlker Pala - general Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali̇ Gok - general Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Asker Bulut - eye diseases - cornea Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. İhsan Meti̇n Leblebici - general Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Husnu Aydin - general Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Gokhan Yilmaz - general Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Ersi̇n Kayalibag - general Doctors Prof. Dr. Ali Demircan - General Ophthalmology - eye diseases Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Ci̇gdem Arslan Ozsahin - general Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Cenk Simsek - general Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Adem Oztekin - eye diseases Doctors Prof. Dr. Cem Gezen - general Doctors Prof. Dr. Aysun Simsek - general Doctors Prof. Dr. Ahmet Yilmaz - general - bariatric Doctors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tahir Mutlu Duymus - spinal orthopedics traumatology - orthopedics traumatology Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Sahi̇n Karalar - orthopedics traumatology - Bone fractures Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Rodi Ertogrul - orthopedics traumatology - joints Doctors Prof. Dr. Ozan Beytemur - orthopedics traumatology - Bone fractures Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Sahin - orthopedics traumatology - Bone fractures Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Suleyman Sami̇ Shaker - urology Doctors Prof. Dr. Selami̇ Albayrak - urology Doctors Prof. Dr. Ramazan Gokhan Atesh - urology Doctors Prof. Dr. Rahim Horuz - urology Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Soyarslan - orthopedics traumatology - joints Doctors Prof. Dr. Mehmet Bulut - orthopedics traumatology - Bone fractures Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Aki̇f Cacan - orthopedics traumatology - Bone fractures Doctors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Levent Bayam - orthopedics traumatology - joints Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Kadi̇r Uzel - orthopedics traumatology - hand surgery orthopedics Doctors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kadir Oznam - orthopedics traumatology - complex trauma Doctors Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Azboy - orthopedics traumatology - knee replacement Doctors Prof. Dr. Haci Mustafa Ozdemir - spinal orthopedics traumatology - orthopedics traumatology Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Yucel Boz - urology Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Soytas - urology Doctors Prof. Dr. Mehmet Fatih Akbulut - urology Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Erdi̇nc Genc - sports injury - orthopedics traumatology Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Erdal Gungor - orthopedics traumatology - Bone fractures Doctors Prof. Dr. Cem Coskun Avci - orthopedics traumatology - joints Doctors Prof. Dr. Johann Joseph Maria - urology Doctors Prof. Dr. Maria Del Pilar Laguna - urology Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Kubi̇lay Sabuncu - urology Doctors Asst. Prof. Bilgehan Catal - orthopedics traumatology - Bone fractures Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Aziz Cataltepe - orthopedics traumatology - Bone fractures Doctors Asst. Prof. Dr. Aybars Tekcan - orthopedics traumatology - Bone fractures Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Gokhan Calik - urology Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Cevper Ersoz - urology Doctors Prof. Dr. Bulent Erkurt - urology Doctors Prof. Dr. Bulent Altay - urology Doctors Ass. Prof. Dr. Mahmut Subasi - thoracic Doctors Prof. Dr. Mehmet Zeki̇ Gunluoglu - thoracic Doctors Dr. Prof. Guven Sadi̇ Sunam - thoracic Doctors Prof. Dr. Adnan Kara - pediatric surgery - orthopedics traumatology Doctors Prof. Dr. Abdulkadir Faruk Hokenek - congenital heart - cardiovascular Doctors Dr. Idris Avci - neurosurgery - brain tumors Doctors Dr. Cengiz Demirsoy - psychiatry Doctors Prof. Dr. Nebi Yilmaz - neurosurgery - neuro oncology Doctors Dr. Yakup Erdogan - psychiatry Doctors Dr. Shahriyar Gadimov - psychiatry Doctors Dr. Mukhtar Mursalli - psychiatry Doctors Dr. Elvin Guliyev - psychiatry Doctors Dr. Elshad Gulmammadov - psychiatry Doctors Dr. Andrei Nalimov - psychiatry - addiction-treatment Doctors Dr. Gizem Perk Karpat - psychiatry Doctors Dr. Elvin Aki Konuk - psychiatry Doctors Dr. Eda Ergur - psychiatry - children rehabilitation Doctors Dr. Cemre Ece Gokpinar - psychiatry - addiction-treatment Doctors Dr. Buse Arslan - psychiatry Doctors Dr. Buse Sezen Yilgin - psychiatry Doctors Dr. Ayse Sahin - psychiatry Doctors Dr. Ayse Nazli Hunca Olcay - psychiatry Doctors Dr. Sedef Koc Bal - psychiatry Doctors Dr. Yildiz Burkovik - psychiatry Doctors Dr. Yesim Olgun Kantas - psychiatry Doctors Dr. Lale Allahyarova - psychiatry Doctors Dr. Semra Baripoglu - psychiatry Doctors Dr. Nihal Tastekin - psychiatry Doctors Dr. Gozde Lus - psychiatry Doctors Dr. Neriman Kilit - psychiatry Doctors Dr. Bahruz Shukurov - psychiatry - addiction-treatment Doctors Dr. Murat Yusuf Huseyin - psychiatry Doctors Dr. Emine Yagmur Zorbozan - psychiatry Doctors Dr. Mert Sinan Bingol - psychiatry Doctors Dr. Erman Senturk - psychiatry Doctors Dr. Firdevs Seyfe Sen - psychiatry Doctors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alptekin Cetin - psychiatry Doctors Dr. Elvan Ciftci - psychiatry Doctors Ass.Prof. Dr. Sinem Zeynep Metin - psychiatry Doctors Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bozbuga - neurosurgery - brain tumors Doctors Prof. Dr. Kemal Nevzat Tarhan - psychiatry - addiction-treatment Doctors Prof. Dr. Oguz Tanridag - neuromuscular - neurology Doctors Dr. Gunay Hajiyeva - psychiatry Doctors Dr. Ceyhun Haciyev - psychiatry Doctors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Habib Erensoy - psychiatry Doctors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Oguz TAN - psychiatry Doctors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatma Duygu Kaya Yertutano - psychiatry Doctors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ceylan Ergul Arslan - psychiatry Doctors Prof. Dr. Serdar Nurmedov - psychiatry Doctors Prof. Dr. Onur Noyan - psychiatry Doctors Prof.Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz - psychiatry Doctors Prof. Dr. Husnu Erkmen - psychiatry Doctors Prof.Dr. Gul Eryilmaz - psychiatry Doctors Prof.Dr. Sermin KESEBİR - psychiatry Doctors Prof. Dr. Umut Demirci Doctors Dr. Abdullah Yakupoglu - interventional radiology Doctors Prof. Dr. Vahit Mutlu - general Doctors Ass.Prof. Dr. Vahit Mutlu - general Doctors Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kucukaydin - urology - pediatric Doctors Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kojokaidin - urology - pediatric Doctors Prof. Dr. Onur Telli - urology - pediatric Doctors Prof. Dr. Khalil Goskun - bariatric Doctors Prof. Dr. Ercan Karacaoglu - plastic reconstructive - facial plastic Doctors Prof. Dr. Orhan Babuccu - plastic reconstructive - oculoplastics Doctors Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yashar Kaynar - neurosurgery Doctors Prof. Dr. Malih Bozkurt - trigeminal neuralgia - neurosurgery Doctors Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Otjon - paediatrics Doctors Prof. Dr. Feryal John Soysal - paediatrics Doctors Prof. Dr. Novit Sarimurat - paediatrics Doctors Prof. Dr. Mevlit Korkmaz - paediatrics Doctors Prof. Dr. Mustafa Serkan Dordo - heart rhythm - cardiovascular Doctors Prof. Dr. Bingur SONMEZ - heart-valve-replacement - cardiovascular Doctors Prof. Dr. Burak Onan - peripheral vascular - coronary artery - cardiovascular Doctors ASS.Prof. Dr. Ozlem Koroglu - physiotherapy Doctors Prof. Dr. Gulten Karaca - physiotherapy Doctors Prof. Dr. Umit Dincer - physiotherapy Doctors Dr. Abdulrahman Salkini - maxillofacial surgery Doctors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Omar Bozduman - spinal orthopedics traumatology - orthopedics traumatology Doctors Prof. Dr. Mehmet Aydogan - spinal orthopedics traumatology - orthopedics traumatology - complex trauma Doctors Prof. Dr. Emre Akaroglu - spinal orthopedics traumatology - orthopedics traumatology Doctors Prof. Dr. Onur Yaman - neurosurgery - disc herniation Doctors Prof. Dr. Turker Cetin - internal-medicine - hematology Doctors Prof. Dr. Muge Gundogdu - hematology Doctors Prof. Dr. Atila Tanyeli - hematology Doctors Prof.Dr. Farid - hematology Doctors Prof. Dr. Meric Kaymak - internal-medicine - hematology Doctors Prof. Dr. Aygul Demirol - gynecology obstetrics - gynecology Doctors ASS.Prof. Dr. Arzu Yurci - menopausal geriatric gynaecology - gynecology obstetrics Doctors Prof. Dr. Semra Kahraman - obstetrics - gynecology obstetrics Doctors Prof. Dr. Semih Zeki Uludag - gynecology obstetrics - gynecology Doctors ASS.Prof. Dr. Ugur Deger - gynecology obstetrics - gynecology Doctors Prof. Dr. Safak Olgan - obstetrics - gynecology obstetrics Doctors Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kojokaidin - paediatrics Doctors Prof. Dr. Onur Telli - urology - pediatric Doctors Prof. Dr. Murat Benbay - urology - bladder urethra Doctors Ass.Prof.Dr. Fatih Yanaral - urology - urinary incontinence Doctors Prof. Dr. Serdar Aykan - urology - kidney Doctors Prof. Dr. Ali Irfan Emre Tekgunduz - thalassemia - hematology - haemophilia Doctors ASS.Prof. Dr. Ali Zirh - parkinson disease - neurosurgery Doctors ASS.PRO.DR. Emrah Delavier - maxillofacial surgery Doctors Prof. Dr. Erhan Bayram - orthopedics traumatology - joints - Bone fractures Doctors Prof. Dr. Hakan Seyit - general - breast-tumor Doctors Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kilic - trigeminal neuralgia - neurosurgery Doctors Prof. Dr. Betul Tavil - thalassemia - hematology Doctors Dr. Cansu Gercek - psychiatry - addiction-treatment Doctors Dr. Iksel Duru Yildirim - psychiatry - addiction-treatment Doctors Dr. Merve Setenay Gurbuz - psychiatry Doctors Dr. Leyla Celebi - psychiatry - addiction-treatment Doctors Dr. Murve Caldas - psychiatry - addiction-treatment Doctors Dr. Pelin Tas - psychiatry - addiction-treatment Doctors Dr. Sebile Asli Eke - psychiatry - addiction-treatment Doctors Dr. Suveybe Tekin - psychiatry - addiction-treatment Doctors Prof. Engin Çakar - physiotherapy Doctors Prof. Dr. Fatih Aydogan - thyroid surger - liver pancreas gallbladder tracts - general Doctors ASS.Prof. Dr. Gorhan Adam - radiology - interventional radiology Doctors Dr. Gurkan Danesan - interventional radiology - interventional neuroradiology Doctors Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Sari - coronary artery - cardiovascular Doctors Prof. Dr. Kamil Yalcin Polat - thyroid surger - general - endocrine - breast-tumor Doctors Prof. Dr. Koray Akarli - organ transplant - general Doctors Prof. Dr. Mahir Mahirogullari - orthopedics traumatology - Bone fractures Doctors Prof. Dr. Mehmet Aydogan - orthopedics traumatology - Bone fractures Doctors Prof. Dr. Murat Binbay - urology - bladder urethra Doctors Prof. Dr. Omer Goktekin - coronary artery - congenital heart - cardiovascular Doctors Dr. Vasif Mammadov - plastic reconstructive - aesthetic Doctors Prof. Dr. Kultegin Ogel - psychiatry - addiction-treatment Doctors Prof. Dr. Tonguc Isken - plastic reconstructive - aesthetic Doctors Dr. Gokhan Ozkocak - physiotherapy Doctors Dr. Harika Bodur - gynecology obstetrics - gynecology Doctors Prof. Dr. Joel Alko - radiation oncology - interventional Doctors Prof. Dr. Murad Naqi - urogynecology - gynecology Doctors Prof. Dr. Salahuddin Togrul - otorhinolaryngology - otology Doctors Prof. Dr. Selcuk Silay - urology - kidney - bladder urethra Doctors Prof. Dr. Ufuk Ozkaya - orthopedics traumatology - joints - Bone fractures Doctors Prof. Dr. Zafer Orkun Toktash - skull base tumors - neurosurgery - headache Doctors Prof.Dr. Sadi Kerem Okutur - oncology - medical oncology Doctors Prof. Dr. Mustafa Ozdogan - radiation oncology - oncology Doctors Prof. Dr. Serkan Keskin - oncology - medical oncology Doctors Prof. Dr. Acar Tuzuner - organ transplant - general Doctors Prof. Dr. Volkan Turunc - organ transplant - general Doctors Prof. Dr. İbrahim Kemal ASTARCIOGLU - kidney-transplant - general Doctors Prof. Dr. Kamil Yalcin Polat - microsurgery - hand - general Doctors Prof. Dr. Koray Akarli - general - burn surgery Doctors Prof. Dr. Ali Irfan Emre Tekunduz - hematology Doctors Prof. Dr. Bekir Yavuz Ogar - orthopedics traumatology - joints Doctors Prof. Dr. Jim Joshkun Avgi - orthopedics traumatology - knee replacement - hip-replacement Doctors Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mufid Orak - pediatric surgery - orthopedics traumatology Doctors Prof. Dr. Mustapha Oigar Galayji - general - gastro Doctors Dr. Shamil Aliyev - radiology - interventional neuroradiology Doctors Assoc. Prof. Jalal Bogra Cizan - thoracic - lung diseases Doctors Prof. Dr. Patuhan Ozai - coronary artery - congenital heart - cardiovascular Doctors Prof. Dr. Levent Gansever - trachea - thoracic Doctors Prof. Dr. Abdul Halim Shenigit - neurology Doctors Prof. Dr. Namik Yashar Uzbek - hematology Doctors Prof. Dr. Bakr Togaji - trigeminal neuralgia - parkinson disease - neurosurgery Doctors Prof. Dr. Ahmet Deniz Bilen - pituitary tumors - neurosurgery Doctors Prof. Dr. Ismail Arden - peripheral vascular - congenital heart - cardiovascular Doctors Prof. Dr. Ahmet Hamdi Tefekli - urology - andrology Doctors Prof. Dr. Ahmed Hamdy Tafakli - urology - andrology Doctors Prof. Dr. Çetin Aşık - sports injury - orthopedics traumatology Doctors خيارات البحث الإختصاص جميع الإختصاصات اختصاص الجراحة العامة اختصاص الطب النفسي الأشعة الأشعة التداخلية الجراحة التجميلية الجراحة التجميلية للأطفال الجراحة العصبية العظمية العلاج الفيزيائي العلاج الكيميائي والمناعي القلبية النسائية والتوليد جراحة أنف أذن حنجرة جراحة الأذن جراحة الأعصاب للأطفال جراحة الأنف أمراض الدم جراحة الأورام العصبية جراحة أورام الدماغ جراحة الجهاز الهضمي جراحة الحنجرة جراحة السمنة جراحة الصدر جراحة القلب والأوعية الدموية جراحة المخ والأعصاب داخلية زراعة الشعر طب الأسنان تواصل معنا الآنو احصل على استشارتك المجانية Contact us nowAnd get your free consultation