Brain tumors can affect brain function if they grow large enough to pressure nerves, blood vessels, and surrounding tissue. Learn about the types of brain cancer and the latest treatment methods in Turkey
Overview of brain tumors
What is a brain tumor?
A brain tumor is an abnormal growth or mass of cells in or around the brain.
It is also called a central nervous system tumor.
Brain tumors can be malignant (cancerous) or benign (non-cancerous). Some tumors grow quickly, while others are slow-growing.
Only about one-third of brain tumors are cancerous.
But cancerous or not, brain tumors can impair brain function if they grow large enough to put pressure on nerves, blood vessels, and surrounding tissue.
Tumors that develop in the brain are called primary tumors.
Tumors that spread to the brain after forming in a different part of the body are called secondary or metastatic tumors. This article focuses on primary tumors.
There are more than 100 types of primary brain and spinal cord tumors.
How common are brain tumors?
Doctors diagnose brain tumors in about 85,000 people in the United States each year.
Of these tumors, approximately 60,000 are benign, and about 25,000 are malignant.
Who is most at risk for brain cancer?
Brain tumors occur more often in men than in women.
Although they’re more common in older adults, they can develop at any age.
Brain tumors are the leading cause of cancer-related death in children under age 14.
What are the types of brain tumors?
Doctors classify brain and central nervous system tumors based on where they form and what type of cells they involve.
Benign brain tumors
Benign brain tumors include the following:
- Acoustic neuroma: These tumors occur on the vestibular nerve (the nerve that connects the inner ear to the brain).
Acoustic neuromas are also called vestibular schwannomas. - Ganglion cell tumor: Central nervous system (CNS) tumors form in nerve cells (neurons).
- Meningioma: This is the most common type of primary brain tumor.
Meningiomas develop slowly.
They form in the meninges, the layers of tissue that protect the brain and spinal cord.
Rarely a meningioma can be malignant. - Pineal tumor: These slow-growing tumors form in the pineal gland, which is located deep in the brain and secretes the hormone melatonin.
- Pituitary tumor: These tumors form in the pituitary gland, which is located at the base of the brain.
The pituitary gland makes and controls hormones in the body. Pituitary tumors are usually very small. - Chordoma: These slow-growing tumors typically begin at the base of the skull and the lower part of the spine
. They are mostly benign (not cancerous).
Cancerous brain tumors
Cancerous brain tumors include:
- Glioma: These tumors develop in the glial cells that surround and support nerve cells.
Two-thirds of primary cancerous brain tumors are gliomas.
Types of gliomas
Types of gliomas include:
- Astrocytoma: Astrocytomas are formed in glial cells called astrocytes.
- Glioblastoma: Aggressive astrocytomas that grow rapidly are glioblastomas.
- Oligodendroglioma: These uncommon tumors begin in the cells that make up myelin (an insulating layer around nerves in the brain).
- Medulloblastoma: Medulloblastomas are fast-growing tumors that form at the base of the skull.
These are the most common cancerous brain tumors in children.

Symptoms and causes of brain cancer
What causes a brain tumor?
Doctors aren’t sure what causes most brain tumors. Mutations (changes) or defects in genes may cause brain cells to grow uncontrollably, causing a tumor.
The only known environmental cause of brain tumors is exposure to large amounts of radiation from X-rays or previous cancer treatment. Some brain tumors occur when genetic diseases are passed down among family members.
What are the symptoms of brain cancer?
Some people with a brain or central nervous system tumor have no symptoms
. In some cases, doctors discover a tumor during treatment for another condition.
When a brain tumor grows and presses on surrounding nerves or blood vessels, it may cause symptoms.
Brain tumor signs and symptoms vary depending on the location, type, and size of the tumor and what the affected part of the brain controls.
It can include:
- Persistent or severe headaches. that occur in the morning or disappear after vomiting
- Changing behavior or personality
- confusion
- Difficulty with balance or coordination
- Problems with concentration
- Nausea Drowsiness
- Numbness, weakness, or tingling in one part or side of the body or face
- Problems with hearing, vision, or speech
- seizures
- Unusual sleepiness
- Problems with memory, thinking, speaking, or understanding language
Diagnostics and tests
How is brain cancer diagnosed?
Doctors use several tests to confirm the presence of a brain tumor. These tests include
- Physical examination and medical history: Your doctor will perform a general health examination, looking for signs of diseases or illnesses.
Your doctor will also ask questions about past and current health conditions, surgeries, medical treatments, and family history of the disease. - Blood test: To check for tumor markers (substances secreted by tumors in the blood) associated with certain types of tumors.
- Biopsy: Through a small hole in the skull, the doctor uses a needle to take a sample of tumor tissue. A lab studies the sample to determine the details of the tumor, including how fast it’s growing and whether it’s spreading.
- Imaging tests: CT scans, MRIs, CT scans, and PET scans help doctors locate the tumor and determine whether it’s cancerous or benign.
Your doctor may also look at other body parts, such as your lungs, colon, or breast, to determine where the tumor started.

- Neurological Exam: This exam evaluates changes in balance, coordination, mental status, hearing, vision, and reflexes to identify affected brain areas.
- Spinal Tap: Extracts spinal fluid for lab testing to detect cancer cells, indicating a malignant tumor in the central nervous system.
When brain tumors are cancerous, doctors classify the tumors into four grades (1 to 4 ) as part of their diagnosis.
The grade assigned to a tumor indicates how quickly it grows and how likely it is to spread.
By classifying the tumor, your doctor can determine the most effective treatment options.
Management and treatment in Turkey
What are the treatment methods for brain cancer in Turkey?
Treatment for brain cancer depends on the location, size, and type of tumor. Doctors often use a combination of treatments to treat the tumor.
Treatment options may include:
- Surgery: When possible, surgeons remove the tumor. They work very carefully, sometimes performing surgery while you’re awake, to minimize damage to functional areas of the brain.
- Radiation therapy: High doses of X-rays destroy brain tumor cells or shrink the tumor(Gamma Knife).
Some people have radiation before surgery to shrink the brain tumor so the surgeon can remove less tissue. - Chemotherapy: Anti-cancer drugs kill cancer cells in the brain and throughout the body.
You may receive chemotherapy through an intravenous infusion or take it as a pill.
In some cases, doctors use chemotherapy before surgery to make the tumor smaller.
Your doctor may recommend chemotherapy after surgery to kill any remaining cancer cells or to prevent remaining cancer cells from growing. - Immunotherapy, also known as biologic therapy, is a treatment that uses the body’s immune system to fight cancer.
The treatment consists of stimulating the immune system to help it function more effectively. - Targeted therapy: Drugs target specific features of cancer cells without harming healthy cells.
Your doctor may recommend targeted therapy if you’re having trouble tolerating the side effects of chemotherapy, such as fatigue and nausea. - Laser thermal ablation: This treatment uses a laser to heat and destroy cancer cells.
- Watchful waiting/active surveillance: The doctor closely monitors the tumor for signs of growth through regular tests but takes no further action.

What are the complications associated with a brain tumor?
Some people with a brain tumor – whether benign or malignant – experience complications as the tumor grows and puts pressure on surrounding tissue. These complications include:
- Low vigilance
- Difficulty speaking
- Breathing and pulse rates are faster or slower
- Numbness that interferes with the feeling of pressure, heat, or cold on the body
- Weakness or inability to move a leg or arm on one side of the body
- Problems with vision, hearing, and smell.
Preventing brain tumors
How can you prevent a brain tumor?
You can’t prevent a brain tumor. You can reduce your risk of developing a brain tumor by avoiding environmental hazards such as smoking and excessive radiation exposure.
Who is at risk of developing a brain tumor?
People who are more likely to develop brain tumors are those who have:
- Family history of cancer
- Gene mutation causes abnormal cell growth
- Long-term exposure to radiation from X-rays or treatment for other cancers
- Exposure to certain chemicals (possible cause)
What is the outlook for people with a brain tumor?
Outcomes for people with brain tumors vary greatly. Factors that can affect prognosis include the type, grade, and location of the tumor; successful removal of all of the tumor; and your age and general health.
In many people, doctors can successfully treat a brain tumor. Other people live active and fulfilling lives with brain tumors that don’t cause symptoms.
In some people, brain tumors can recur (come back) after treatment. These people may need to continue treatment, including chemotherapy or radiation, to prevent the tumor from growing or spreading. After brain tumor treatment, you should follow up with your doctor regularly.
When should I see a healthcare provider about a possible brain tumor?
Contact your healthcare provider if you have signs and symptoms of a brain tumor.