Tonsillectomy is one of the most important procedures for treating tonsillitis in children or adults. In Turkey, the patient can currently perform this operation in minutes.
You must have heard about the process of removing tonsils or that one of your relatives or friends has removed his tonsils, and perhaps you have had your tonsils removed at some point in your life. It is not surprising that the process of removing tonsils is classified as one of the most common operations performed around the world on a daily basis, but Does everyone who undergoes this operation really need to have their tonsils removed? Follow us to find out if you are suitable for the procedure and discover the most important benefits of removing tonsils.
Performing a tonsillectomy
This procedure, or the “tonsil operation,” involves removing the tonsils from the patient’s throat. The tonsils are usually removed along with the growths located behind the nose, which share the same immune function. This is called the “tonsil and adenoid operation.”
Tonsils are two small glands in the back of the mouth (one tonsil at each end) that contain white blood cells. They are a small part of the body’s immune system, so removing them does not significantly increase the risk of infections.

Although tonsillectomy appears to be linked to tonsillitis in children, it can also be performed on adults who suffer from tonsillitis. In fact, the operation may be preferred in adults because the tonsils lose their function and atrophy with age.
The procedure can be performed at all ages if the tonsils suffer from a disease requiring removal.
A tonsillectomy can be performed in the hospital, and the patient can go home on the same day. Patients receive general anesthesia before the procedure, so they will be asleep during it. The procedure is complete in most cases, but the removal can be partial in some cases.
When should tonsillectomy be performed?
The tonsils are two immune organs that help fight bacterial infections and viruses, but removing them does not affect the health of the body and does not make it more susceptible to diseases. It is performed for those who:
- Suffer from recurrent, chronic, or severe tonsillitis
- He suffers from complications of enlarged tonsils, such as difficulty breathing and sleep apnea
- His tonsils are affected by a rare disease such as tonsil cancer
- He suffers from bleeding tonsils
Studies have shown that sleep apnea is one of the most common reasons a patient needs surgery to remove the tonsils.

If you have trouble sleeping or feel pain in your throat while eating, contact Bimaristan Medical Center in Turkey.
Benefits of tonsillectomy in Turkey
Removing tonsils has many benefits. In children or adults, it will limit the occurrence of additional attacks of tonsillitis, which may improve the patient’s general health.
After tonsillectomy in Turkey, the patient may continue to suffer from sore throat, but the number of times it will occur will be much less than before.
How to perform a tonsillectomy in Turkey
Since the tonsillectomy operation in Turkey is performed under general anesthesia, your child will be asleep throughout the procedure and will not feel any pain.
The doctor places a small tool in the child’s mouth to keep it open during the tonsillectomy. There are several ways to remove tonsils, each of which has different harms and benefits, including:
- Cold surgical dissection: This is the traditional method. The tonsils are removed completely with a surgical scalpel; then, the bleeding is stopped with a surgical electrode or electrocoagulation.

- Electrocoagulation: The tonsils are removed using heat to stop the bleeding.
- Ultrasound: Ultrasonic waves cause the scalpel to vibrate, removing the tonsils and stopping the bleeding simultaneously.
- Carbon Dioxide Laser: This is called laser tonsil surgery. It is distinguished by the fact that it does not require general anesthesia; rather, local anesthesia is sufficient. It is also less painful and takes a shorter time.
The duration of the tonsillectomy operation in Turkey ranges between 20 and 30 minutes, depending on the method used. Tonsillectomy is performed by an ear, nose, and throat surgeon.
This video teaches you about the most important steps of tonsillectomy in Turkey: surgical dissection and electrocoagulation.
Symptoms after tonsillectomy
Tonsillectomy is not generally considered dangerous. However, the risks or complications of tonsillectomy for children or adults may include the following:
- Swelling of the tongue and soft palate
- Surgical site infection or sore throat
- Bleeding
- The occurrence of complications resulting from the drug
Contact your doctor if you feel any problems or if sleep disturbances continue after tonsillectomy surgery in Turkey.
Advice after tonsillectomy
You can manage pain and obtain good surgical results after tonsillectomy in Turkey by following the following procedures:
- You may feel pain after the tonsillectomy procedure because the anesthesia wears off. Use the painkillers prescribed by the doctor regularly. Most children suffer from sore throats for about 10 days after the operation.
- To avoid dehydration, drink plenty of water or other fluids, such as natural juice. Ice cubes may be a suitable option because they also help reduce inflammation.
- Eating may be difficult after the procedure, but make sure you get good nutrition for a complete recovery. You should eat soft foods that are easy to chew and swallow, such as mashed potatoes, yogurt, ice cream, soup, or fried scrambled eggs, and avoid spicy, sour, or hard foods that may cause pain or bleeding to the patient.
- After a tonsillectomy, you should get enough rest for several days, stop working and engaging in strenuous activities and sports for about three or four days, and gradually return to your daily life.
- You can return to work or school after 10-14 days, but avoid crowded places, people with a cold, or smokers so that you do not contract any infection during recovery.
In conclusion, this procedure carries some risks, like other surgical operations, so doctors do not recommend it for anyone who suffers from simple tonsillitis. However, it may be necessary and an emergency in some cases, such as sleep apnea or bleeding. In any case, medical consultation and evaluation by specialists are necessary before performing any tonsillectomy.