Eustachian tube dysfunction usually occurs due to allergies, sinusitis, or colds. It may be cured with medication, but in the case of chronic dysfunction, treatment requires surgical intervention.
In this article, learn about the causes of Eustachian tube dysfunction, symptoms, and the latest methods of treating Eustachian tube dysfunction in Turkey.
The Eustachian tube extends between the hollow of the ears and the throat. This canal maintains stable and balanced air pressure in the ears.
Eustachian tube dysfunction causes a change in air pressure in the ears. The blockage collects mucus from a cold, causing ear pain and impaired hearing.
A rapid change in air pressure can cause Eustachian tube dysfunction. This may happen when the aircraft changes altitude or when the diver rises or falls under the water.
More than one million people worldwide suffer from eustachian tube blockage, which often resolves on its own or after treatment with antibiotics. But if the eustachian tube remains blocked, surgery may be needed.
Who is most at risk of developing Eustachian tube blockage?
People who smoke are at increased risk of Eustachian tube blockage because smoking destroys cilia — tiny hairs that line the middle ear and help clear mucus toward the throat.
People who are obese are also at a higher risk of developing tubal obstruction due to fatty deposits that can form around the Eustachian tubes, causing the tube to become blocked.
Allergies and chronic sinusitis are also considered risk factors because they cause duct blockage. The mucous tissue in the duct swells due to allergies and thus impedes the passage of mucus to the throat.
Nasal polyps, cleft palate, or tumors may increase the risk of eustachian tube blockage by up to 80%. However, there is no increased risk of eustachian tube obstruction based on gender or race.
What are the complications of Eustachian tube dysfunction?
In severe cases, Eustachian tube dysfunction may lead to:
- Chronic otitis media.
- Otitis media with effusion, or “sticky ear,” is a buildup of fluid in the middle ear that can last for weeks and can damage hearing.
- Retracted eardrum, when the eardrum appears to be sucked further into the auditory canal.
Most cases of Eustachian tube dysfunction and blockage go away within a few days with the help of over-the-counter medications and home remedies, but symptoms can last one to two weeks. You should see a doctor if symptoms last longer, worsen, or seem recurring.
What are the symptoms of Eustachian tube dysfunction?
Mucus buildup in the ear causes symptoms, which are often mild and limited to a few days due to a cold or flu. If it lasts over two weeks, occurs frequently, or is severe, you should see a specialist. We mention some of them:
- Clogged or full ears
- Itching – pain – ringing or crackling in the ear
- Balance problems may occur
- The sound is muffled
How is Eustachian tube dysfunction diagnosed in Turkey?
Your doctor will ask you how you feel and will carefully examine your ear canals, tympanic membrane, nose, and throat for signs of inflammation and mucus buildup. A recent flu, cold, or sinusitis is often enough to diagnose a blocked Eustachian tube. If symptoms persist, recur, or worsen, your doctor may want to check for other problems that could lead to pain, ear fullness, and hearing changes. Tests may include:
Valsava maneuver
Closing the nose and mouth and trying to exhale through the nose can sometimes help relieve a blocked duct if a change in air pressure causes the problem.
This test measures hearing abilities; you will hear sounds sent by the audiologist and press a button to indicate when you hear something, through which the audiologist determines how the blockage in the Eustachian tube affects hearing.
Tympanic membrane movement planning
This procedure measures retrotympanic pressure by inserting a manometer probe into the ear canal. The device generates different pressures and pure tones and measures the drum’s responses to sound at different pressures.
This involves inserting a small, flexible camera into the nose, so the doctor can see the openings of the canal.
CT scan
X-rays can provide a detailed look at the inner and middle ear. Based on the results of the above evaluations – or if the condition persists for more than three months and conservative treatment fails – your doctor may recommend Eustachian tube dilatation.
What is the treatment for Eustachian tube dysfunction in Turkey?
Ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialists offer a wide range of Eustachian tube blockage treatment options, depending on the cause of the blockage. Treatments for blockages range from decongestants to surgery. The Bimaristan medical team helps you determine the most effective and appropriate treatment method for each individual patient that will provide a successful long-term result.
Treating allergies and nasal congestion
Identifying the cause and treating nasal allergies may help reduce swelling in the Eustachian tube. There are several different ways we can treat allergies, and we will discuss the options together:
- Identify the causes of allergies and stay away from them.
- Anti-inflammatories can be used inside the nose to reduce inflammation of the eustachian tube mucosa. We recommend trying inflammation medications for two weeks to see if they help.
- Decongestants help unclog the eustachian tube by reducing swelling of the nasal lining. These medications work immediately and can be taken as needed.
Nasal spray preparations work well in treating nasal congestion and relieving it directly. However, because the body quickly gets used to the medicine, it should only be used for no more than three days in a row.
Antihistamines work to reduce the body’s inflammatory response to allergens. These medications may benefit some patients and can be taken as needed.
Treating Eustachian tube blockage with the Valsva maneuver
Closing your nose and “popping” your ear may effectively relieve a blocked Eustachian tube.
The air opens the Eustachian tube and reduces the severity of obstruction symptoms.
You can also achieve the same result when inflating balloons. The pressure required to inflate the balloons is usually enough to force air into the eustachian tube and relieve the symptoms of a blocked eustachian tube. This technique is very useful in treating eustachian tube blockage and can be repeated whenever necessary.
Do not do this when you have a cold or flu because it may push mucus and bacteria into the middle ear and cause inflammation.
Surgical treatment of Eustachian tube dysfunction
The primary goal of surgical treatment is to bypass the role of the Eustachian tube in ventilating the middle ear. Surgery can restore hearing, relieve the sensation of heaviness in the ear, and reduce the likelihood of otitis media. Types of surgery include:
We make a small incision in the tympanic membrane and suction out any fluid in the middle ear. In adults, the incision often remains open long enough to allow swelling in the lining of the Eustachian tube to subside. After the eardrum has healed (usually within one to three days), fluid in the middle ear may accumulate again if the lining of the Eustachian tube has not healed. If it does not heal, we may resort to tympanoplasty.
Ventilation pipes
During this procedure, we will: Make an incision in the tympanic membrane and suck out any fluid in the middle ear. He will insert a small hollow tube made of plastic or metal into the tympanic membrane. Over time, the tube is pushed out while the tympanic membrane heals.
The benefit may last for six to 12 months. Often, the Eustachian tube will have healed by this time, and the tubes will not need to be replaced. However, if you have a chronic condition, we can use longer-lasting tubes. The procedure takes about five minutes for adults and can be performed in the office using local anesthetic. In children, we will use a light general anesthetic.
How are ventilation tubes used to treat Eustachian tube blockage taken care of?
It’s important to keep water out of your ears; this means:
- You should use earplugs or a cotton ball dipped in Vaseline while showering
- Wear custom earplugs that fit your ear when you go swimming
Water entering the ear canal can carry bacteria through the tube into the middle ear and cause inflammation. This is called purulent drainage (white, green, or yellow pus) from the ear. We treat this type of infection using antibiotic drops. Another risk of myringotomy or ventilation tube is that the incision may not heal. This may eventually require surgery (tympanoplasty) to close the hole.
Eustachian tube balloon
The Eustachian tube balloon is the latest method of treating tube obstruction, and this technology is now available in Turkey.
This balloon helps restore duct function and relieve symptoms of obstruction. The XprESS™ ENT Dilation System provides a safe, effective, and minimally invasive treatment for people with a blocked Eustachian tube.
During this procedure, your doctor will insert a small balloon through your nose and into the eustachian tube. The balloon is then gently inflated, and after treating the canal and removing the purulent fluid, if present, we remove the balloon. The operation is performed under local anesthesia.
What is the relationship between Eustachian tube dysfunction and flying?
Individuals with a blocked Eustachian tube may have difficulty equalizing pressures in the middle ear when flying.
When traveling by plane, the ears are subject to large fluctuations in atmospheric pressure.
The cabin air pressure decreases when the plane climbs, and a relative positive pressure builds up in the middle ears. For most people, this pressure is easily relieved through the Eustachian tube. Thus, the middle ear pressures with the cabin air are balanced on either side of the tympanic membrane (about 6,000 feet above sea level).
Balancing pressure during descent is more difficult. The cabin air pressure increases gradually upon landing. Consequently, a relative negative pressure develops in the middle ear, leading to blockage of the eustachian tube. In these cases, yawning, swallowing, chewing gum, or trying to “pop” the ears helps the eustachian tube open at some point.
Most adults can fly without difficulty unless they have a disease that has temporarily swollen the lining of the Eustachian tube and narrowed its passage. Some adults have a very mild Eustachian tube blockage and only have any symptoms when flying.
Preventing Eustachian tube dysfunction during flight
Valsava maneuver periodically
The eustachian tube usually closes except when swallowing or yawning. To help with frequent swallowing while landing, have gum, hard candy, or liquid lozenges. Do not sleep during the last part of the trip because you will wake up with ear pain and a blockage in the eustachian tube.
Decongestants help reduce swelling in the lining of the Eustachian tube. These medications should be taken to peak effectiveness during the last hour of the flight. Oral decongestants should be taken 2 to 3 hours before your expected arrival time, while nasal sprays should be used about 1 hour before arrival.
Avoid flying
It is a must when you have a cold, flu, or allergic rhinitis.
Conduct ventilation tubes
The ventilation tube helps the Eustachian tube balance ear pressures.
Although the risks of ear infections and eardrum perforation must be weighed against this advantage.
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