Plasma Injection for Hair after Transplantation is considered one of the most important modern methods used in Turkey to support the growth of transplanted hair and is crucial for maintaining its quality in the long term.
While it may seem somewhat unusual, using plasma injection for hair after transplantation makes the transplanted hair stronger and more beautiful. It helps the new follicles survive better, leading to new and uniform hair growth.
This article will help you learn more about PRP for hair regrowth and the advantages of plasma injection for hair after transplantation in Turkey, whether it’s after robotic hair transplantation or Direct Hair Implantation (DHI).
What is plasma injection for hair after transplantation?
Plasma injection for hair after transplantation is a procedure aimed at enhancing the growth and improving the quality of transplanted hair. It involves taking a blood sample, separating the plasma from it, and then injecting the plasma into the areas of transplantation on the scalp.
Plasma is the liquid component of blood that contains growth factors and proteins that promote hair growth and renewal. Platelet-rich plasma injection for hair after transplantation is believed to stimulate stem cells in the scalp to produce new hair and improve the quality of the transplanted hair.
Plasma injection for hair after transplantation is considered safe and painless, and it is usually administered in repeated visits to the doctor to ensure the best results. Some individuals may experience hair density and quality improvement after hair growth platelet-rich plasma. However, it should be noted that results may vary from person to person and from one transplantation to another, as the results of DHI hair transplantation differ from robotic hair transplantation.

What is plasma injection for beard hair?
Plasma injection for beard hair is a medical procedure that stimulates hair growth and increases its density in the beard area. This procedure is similar to plasma injection in the scalp, where platelet-rich plasma is collected from the patient’s blood and injected into the beard area.
Doctors usually recommend plasma injection for beard hair for individuals experiencing hair loss in the beard area or those with gaps in it. The cause of hair loss in this area may be due to aging, dermatological conditions, or even stress and psychological pressure, so individuals should consult their specialist doctor to determine whether they need plasma injection for beard hair and whether this procedure is suitable for them.
What are the types of plasma?
Several types of plasma can be injected after hair transplantation to improve the quality of transplanted hair, including the following:
- Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP): PRP is the most common form used in plasma injection for hair after transplantation. It is extracted from the patient’s own blood by taking a small sample and processing it to separate the platelets. The platelets are then injected into the scalp to stimulate hair growth.
- Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF): PRF is also a form of plasma used after hair transplantation. PRF differs from PRP in how blood is processed and components are separated. It is also used to stimulate hair growth and promote scalp health.
- Stem Cell-Rich Plasma (SCRP): SCRP is an advanced type of plasma used in hair transplantation. SCRP contains stem cells that help in tissue regeneration and better hair growth, and it is considered one of the most important types used in plasma injection for hair after transplantation.
Individuals considering plasma injection for hair growth should consult their doctor to determine the appropriate type of plasma and evaluate its benefits and drawbacks.
Benefits of plasma injection for hair after transplantation
Studies have shown the benefits of plasma-rich protein for hair growth and improved results in hair transplantation procedures. Here are some expected benefits of plasma injection for hair after transplantation:
- Enhanced growth of transplanted hair: Plasma contains growth factors and proteins that help stimulate the growth of transplanted hair and enhance its strength and density.
- Improved hair quality: Plasma proteins and nutrients can improve the quality of transplanted hair by increasing its shine, strength, and elasticity.
- Accelerated wound healing: Plasma contains wound healing factors that can help speed up the healing process of wounds after hair transplantation and reduce potential complications.
- Reduced swelling and inflammation: Plasma may contain anti-inflammatory factors that help reduce swelling and inflammation after surgery.
- Improved transplantation results: Some doctors believe that plasma injection for hair after transplantation (such as in FUE hair transplantation) can improve the procedure’s results and increase its success rate.
It should be noted that the effect of plasma injection for hair after transplantation may vary from person to person, and patients may need several sessions to achieve the desired results. You should consult with a specialist doctor to evaluate your condition and guide you on plasma injection for hair growth.
Side effects of plasma injection for hair after transplantation
Plasma injection for hair after transplantation is generally safe and complication-free in most cases, but a tiny percentage of patients may experience some mild and easily treatable symptoms, including:
- Itching and redness: Some individuals may experience itching and redness in the scalp at the site of plasma injection for hair after transplantation. However, these effects are temporary and usually subside on their own.
- Temporary hair loss: A few patients may notice temporary hair loss in the scalp after prp in hair, which is considered normal and resolves within a few months, eventually leading to good hair regrowth.
- Scarring: Small scars may form at the site of plasma injection for hair after transplantation, but these scars are rare and occur due to the doctor’s inexperience.
- Pain and swelling: Some individuals may experience mild pain and swelling in the scalp after plasma therapy for hair, but these effects are rare and temporary and disappear after a few days.
- Skin inflammation: Mild inflammation may occur at the site of plasma injection in the scalp, so the area to be injected is sterilized to minimize the risk of rare complications.
Preparations for plasma injection for hair after transplantation
Before plasma injection for hair after transplantation, several necessary preparations are made to ensure full benefit. Here are some steps to follow before undergoing the injection:
- Discontinue some medications: Patients may be asked to discontinue certain medications before the procedure, such as blood thinners like aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
- Avoid alcohol and smoking: Alcohol and smoking should be avoided for a period before plasma injection for hair after transplantation, as they can negatively affect wound healing and cellular renewal.
- Preparation of plasma: Plasma is collected from the patient’s blood by taking a small amount of blood and placing it in a unique tube. The plasma is then separated from the rest of the blood components using a centrifuge machine to obtain platelet-rich plasma (PRP).
- Scalp cleansing: The scalp should be thoroughly cleansed before plasma injection for hair after transplantation using a bactericidal antiseptic, which helps reduce the risk of infection and inflammation.
- Scalp anesthesia: Local anesthesia may be applied to the scalp to numb the area and reduce pain during plasma injection for hair after transplantation.
Procedure for plasma injection for hair after transplantation
Hair injections for hair growth have become necessary to improve the quality of transplanted hair. The procedure for plasma injection for hair after transplantation involves the following steps:
- Plasma collection: A small blood sample is taken from the individual to be injected and placed in a special tube.
- Plasma separation: Plasma is separated from other blood cells using a centrifuge machine. The tube is spun at high speed to separate the plasma from red and white blood cells.
- Plasma preparation: The separated plasma is mixed with special hair growth factors. Additional components such as vitamins and amino acids may be added to enhance its effects.
- Plasma injection: A fine needle injects the plasma into the scalp in areas that require hair growth stimulation. The injection is done precisely and regularly to ensure an even plasma distribution.
- Multiple sessions: Obtaining satisfactory results may require several sessions of plasma injection for hair after transplantation. The number of sessions depends on each patient’s condition and needs.
A qualified and experienced doctor must perform plasma injections. Some individuals may experience slight pain, swelling, or redness in the scalp after the injection, but these symptoms usually disappear within a few days.
Results of plasma injection for hair after transplantation
The results of plasma injection for hair after transplantation vary from person to person, but they are often successful and satisfactory for the patient. This depends on several factors, such as scalp condition, quality of transplanted hair, and the patient’s commitment to post-transplant hair care. Some individuals may notice increased hair density and improved quality within a short period after the procedure, while others may take longer.
Generally, hair growth prp injection can be an effective procedure to improve hair transplantation results and enhance the growth of transplanted hair. However, the patient should consult their specialist doctor to evaluate their condition and determine whether they need plasma injection and the potential expectations of the results in their particular case.

Cost of plasma injection for hair after transplantation in Turkey
The cost of plasma injection for hair after transplantation varies depending on the clinic, location, cost of equipment, and materials used. The cost of plasma injection for hair growth may range from $100 to $200 US Dollars, and multiple sessions may be required to achieve the desired results, increasing the overall cost. Consultation with a hair doctor is necessary to determine the number of sessions needed and estimate the total cost of treatment.
If you have any medical inquiries, please feel free to contact us for guidance on a suitable treatment plan for your condition. Bimaristan Medical Center remains your first choice for treatment in Turkey due to the availability of advanced medical equipment and necessary medications for plasma injection for hair after transplantation. Additionally, the doctors we work with integrate hair transplantation with plasma injection, which is better for long-term benefits.
In conclusion, plasma injection for hair after transplantation accelerates the healing process and improves the aesthetic appearance of the hair. However, if you suffer from hair weakness and shedding in a non-transplanted area, plasma injection is also a good idea.