The Psychiatric and Neurological Hospital in Turkey provides the necessary care for diseases requiring psychiatric specialists and enhances patients’ mental health.
The Psychiatric Hospital in Istanbul provides the best treatment services under the supervision of a team of doctors from different specialties. The center also provides an integrated environment equipped with facilities in large areas, as it is considered the second-largest specialized center on the European continent. The hospital has the latest and most modern medical equipment and devices. Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) technology, and it is worth noting that all of the above are provided at a relatively low treatment cost with the possibility of offering a special discount to our patients.
The types of mental illnesses in our current era have become many and varied, especially with the increase in pressures that individuals are exposed to at present. Therefore, paying attention to mental health is necessary because it is integral to human health. Physical illnesses may have a psychological origin that the doctor overlooked, so what are the most common mental illnesses, how do their symptoms appear, and when should one resort to psychological treatment? We will answer all these questions in our next article.
What are mental illnesses?
Mental illnesses are a group of mental disorders that affect thinking, feeling, behavior, and interaction with others. These diseases vary greatly in severity and symptoms.
What distinguishes a Mental health and psychiatry hospital in Turkey?
Turkey has given special importance to psychiatry. It has qualified to become one of the best destinations in the world for the treatment of psychological illnesses, as it provides specialized hospitals that provide psychological treatment services using the latest methods and technologies.
Istanbul is famous for containing one of the most famous hospitals specializing in treating psychiatric diseases. NPISTANBUL Hospital specializes in treating brain diseases and disorders of psychological origin. According to statistics published in 2017, the psychiatric hospital in Istanbul ranked second in Europe as one of the best medical centers for treating disorders.
This hospital provides comprehensive services in the field of psychiatry, addiction treatment, and neurological diseases, in addition to providing a special section for the treatment of psychological illnesses in children.
There are many treatment methods used in a psychiatric hospital. The treatment method depends on the psychological illness that the patient suffers from, in addition to his health condition.
Types of mental illnesses that are treated in the hospital
The psychiatric hospital treats many patients who suffer from various neurological disorders. Among the most important names of psychological diseases and disorders are:
Addiction and problems related to it
This group includes problems related to addiction to narcotic substance abuse or addiction to harmful behavior, as addiction treatment is one of the basic pillars of psychiatry.
The medical staff at the psychiatric hospital works to help patients recover from addiction through modern psychological treatment methods by a medical team specialized in this field. A specialized unit has been created to treat addiction problems in the hospital. Read more about the Addiction Treatment Center.
Neurodevelopmental disorders
This category includes a group of diseases that usually appear during childhood, such as autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and learning disorders.
Bipolar disorder and its associated diseases
Bipolar disorder is defined as a mental health condition that causes excessive mood swings that affect a person’s energy and ability to work. Mood changes range from severe mania to depression, and the patient goes through normal periods between them.
Other psychological diseases, such as psychosis, fall under this classification.
Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses in our current era. Depression is defined as a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and may be accompanied by a feeling of guilt and a lack of self-esteem.
In severe cases, depressed patients experience accompanying physical symptoms such as lack of appetite, thinness (severe weight loss), and loss of interest in activities that the patient always enjoyed doing before becoming depressed. For more information, you can read a detailed article about the physical and psychological symptoms of depression.
In a psychiatric hospital in Turkey, depressed patients are approached through different treatment methods, starting with dialogue sessions between the psychiatrist and the patient to prescribing anti-depressant medications. Recently, an advanced treatment method known as brain stimulation has been found.
Anxiety disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a disorder characterized by abnormal fears and thoughts that afflict the patient and cause him to perform strange, unnecessary behaviors.
The patient appears to have an obsessive need to constantly inspect things or repeat washing his hands several times, fearing that his hands will still be dirty even though he has washed them many times.
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Stress disorders associated with receiving psychological trauma
This category includes disorders related to adjustment and coping with stressful or traumatic life events. A person may receive shocking news, such as the death of a person close to him, and face difficulty in accepting the news and adapting to his new life.
One of the psychiatric diseases that is at the top of this list is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Dissociative diseases
It is a psychological illness that causes the patient to interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may be accompanied by auditory or visual hallucinations and seeing things that do not exist in the real world.
Symptoms of schizophrenia include the patient’s feeling that he is under threat, that someone wants to kill him, or that the person has widespread fame or has a supernatural ability. Schizophrenia often requires lifelong treatment, and early psychological treatment helps control the symptoms and improve the condition in the long term.
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Treatment methods in a psychiatric hospital in Turkey
The treatment methods used in the psychiatric hospital vary according to the nature of the psychological disorder that the patient suffers from. The psychiatric hospital provides different care and treatment services to ensure patients receive the best possible service.
The psychologist develops the appropriate diagnosis for the patient’s condition so that the latest preferred psychological treatment methods are chosen for treatment. Among the most important treatment methods used in the psychiatric hospital are the following:
Psychotherapy or talk therapy
Talking to a psychiatrist about your problems and psychological condition plays an important role in treatment. The doctor provides you with the appropriate and comfortable atmosphere to talk about all your worries and life problems that may cause you psychological problems.
According to studies, the treating physician listens carefully to what you say and may ask about your life story since childhood, as childhood plays a major role in shaping a person’s personality.
Medication treatment
The specialist may resort to prescribing medications that help improve the patient’s mental health, depending on the disorder he suffers from. Examples of this include anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medications, in addition to anti-psychotic medications.
Deep brain stimulation
Brain stimulation technology is considered one of the advanced treatment methods used in psychiatric hospitals to manage difficult cases of illness, such as severe depression, that do not respond to other treatments.
A device emits magnetic waves and directs them precisely toward special brain areas, stimulating areas with a specific function. For example, in the case of depression, happiness areas in the brain are stimulated.
This method is used within the hospital to treat many neurological diseases and disorders in the field of psychiatry, as its use is not limited to the management of depression only. Read more about deep brain stimulation to treat Parkinson’s disease.
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Symptoms and signs of mental illnesses
Unfortunately, the World Health Organization has announced that the number of people suffering from mental illnesses in society is increasing over time. This may be due to the increase in crises and constant life pressures that we live in.
According to a study conducted on a large scale in the United States of America, the outbreak of the Corona pandemic played a role in increasing the incidence of psychological disorders among the population.
Among the signs of mental illnesses that appear in patients:
- Feeling sad or depressed
- Poor ability to concentrate
- Isolation from society and staying away from friends
- Feeling constantly tired and having trouble sleeping (insomnia)
- Mood changes during the day
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Why do I choose psychotherapy in Turkey?
Turkey was keen to develop medical tourism by providing the best services and modern technologies, eventually becoming one of the leading countries in this field.
In Turkey, there is no need to worry about the high treatment and accommodation costs. Our medical and administrative team is keen to help patients from various Arab countries make their medical trips successful in Turkey. From receiving the patient from the airport until the end of treatment, we provide free consultations, book medical appointments, and provide many other services. Contact us to request more details.
In conclusion, the psychiatric hospital in Turkey will provide you with everything you need if you suffer from mental illnesses or problems. It is not wise to neglect mental illnesses, as it is no less important than physical illness, with the caveat that we fully maintain the privacy of our patients, so there is no need to worry about that.
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Who is the best Arab psychiatrist in Istanbul?
Several Arab psychiatrists provide distinguished treatment services in Istanbul. Bimaristan Hospital has distinguished medical staff in psychiatry. You can contact us to obtain the best possible services.
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