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Physiotherapy is very effective in treating many types of medical problems. This specialized field of medicine focuses on restoring normal movement and function, whether in joints, muscles, or even neurological challenges.

Physiotherapy in Turkey is a path to recovery at the hands of the most skilled physical therapy and rehabilitation doctors. A specialized treatment plan is designed for each patient to achieve his goal of recovery in centers equipped with the latest physical therapy devices.

What is physiotherapy and what is its importance?

Physiotherapy uses physical techniques to help treat certain medical conditions and injuries after accidents or sports activities. The importance of physical therapy lies primarily in its assistance in the following:

  • Improving movement and function
  • Reducing pain and stiffness
  • Improving the patient’s quality of life

The most important diseases for which physiotherapy is used in Turkey

A physical therapist in Turkey can help treat many conditions.

Musculoskeletal problems that a physical therapist can treat include:

  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Recovery from and prevention of sports injuries
  • Arthritis
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Sprains and strains in the hand
  • Extremity injuries

A physical therapist also helps with conditions that involve various body parts such as:

  • Bladder problems and urinary incontinence
  • Lymphedema
  • Neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis
  • Rehabilitation after surgery
  • Rehabilitation after stroke and paralysis
  • Treatment of developmental delay in children
  • Palliative care

In most cases, physical therapists in Turkey work with the doctor and other health careprofessionals as part of the treatment team to provide the best care for the patient.

What are the physiotherapy methods used in Turkey?

Physiotherapists in Turkey have a range of treatment methods or methods to choose from to help reduce pain and inflammation, as well as improve the patient’s endurance and range of motion during rehabilitation after an injury.

These methods include:


This is a controlled physical pressure applied to the body to help increase strength and flexibility. It has two types:

  • Passive exercise: The patient relaxes while the therapist applies pressure, such as hamstring stretching exercises.
  • Active exercise: This is the movement that the patient performs using his own strength, such as hip strengthening exercises or walking on a machine.

The two types can be combined to achieve the optimal program for the patient.

Heat therapy

Heat compresses can be applied to the body, as heat helps increase blood circulation to the tissues, relax muscles, and relieve pain.

They are usually placed on the affected area for a period ranging from 15 to 20 minutes.

Caution should be exercised when using hot compresses, as the skin may be exposed to burns if a towel of sufficient thickness is not placed while applying heat.

Cold therapy

Ice or cold compresses are usually used during the initial or acute stage of injury to reduce local swelling around the tissues.

As with hot compresses, the skin must be adequately dried to prevent skin damage from exposure to extreme cold.

Heat And Cold Therapy Is One Of The Physiotherapy Methods In Turkey
Heat And Cold Therapy Is One Of The Physiotherapy Methods In Turkey

Massage and Stretching

Stretching and massage are used to treat lower back pain and neck pain.

Stretching helps to separate the joints and disc spaces, which helps to reduce pressure on the spinal nerves.

Massage improves circulation and reduces muscle and soft tissue tension in the body.


Laser therapy can be used in cases of chronic pain, inflammation or wound healing in conjunction with other treatment techniques.

When the laser is directed at the patient’s skin in the affected area it is absorbed by the mitochondria in each cell, the resulting energy stimulates a number of positive physiological responses leading to the restoration of normal function.


This is a warming treatment used to treat many musculoskeletal conditions such as sprains, strains, or tendonitis.

A small amount of gel is used to allow the ultrasound waves to be absorbed by the skin and muscles and is moved in a circular motion near the site of injury.


Hydrotherapy is a valuable tool for restoring strength or range of motion in many types of patients, from musculoskeletal injuries to neurological conditions.

Performing exercises that rely on partial weights while floating in a pool helps patients move their bodies without being exposed to the full effect of gravity.

The water is usually warm, which helps to relax muscles and relieve joint stiffness.

Intermittent air compression therapy

These are breathable sleeves that prevent blood clots, they can be worn under the legs to help drain fluid and circulate blood to prevent lymphedema, deep vein thrombosis, and other blood clots.

They are part of the recovery process in the hospital or at home.

Electrical currents

Transcutaneous electrical neuromuscular stimulation (TENS) is sometimes used in physiotherapy in Turkey to help reduce pain around the injured tissue.

The nervous system naturally produces three opioids that act as neurotransmitters and pain modulators, electrical stimulation activates this system to help reduce pain.

Transcutaneous Electrical Neuromuscular Stimulation (Tens)
Transcutaneous Electrical Neuromuscular Stimulation (Tens)

It is not recommended for use if:

  • The patient has a pacemaker or a metal device in his body
  • In the early stages of pregnancy in women
  • Epilepsy

Advantages of physiotherapy in Turkey

Like many other medical treatments, physiotherapy in Turkey continues to develop thanks to the extensive experience of specialists.

Physiotherapy in Turkey helps to:

  • Improve range of motion and enhance athletic performance
  • Improve balance to prevent slipping and falling, especially in the elderly
  • It may be an alternative to surgery in the treatment of some orthopedic conditions
  • Manage chronic muscle pain

The best hospitals and centers for physiotherapy in Turkey

It may be difficult to choose the best hospitals and centers specialized in physiotherapy in Turkey, but some of them can be listed:

  • Ali Kemal Belvedere Hospital
  • Memorial Hospital (Bahcelievler)
  • Memorial Hospital (Sisli)
  • Ahi Evran Hospital

The most famous doctors and physical therapists in Turkey

Physiotherapy in Turkey is distinguished by the presence of an elite group of doctors specialized in physical therapy and rehabilitation with an integrated team that guarantees the patient the necessary full care. Among the most famous doctors are:

  • Hassan Basri Isik
  • Vedat Ulker

The approximate financial cost for physioherapy in Turkey

The costs of physiotherapy in Turkey range from about $ 50 per session and may reach up to $ 300 in the case of an overnight stay in the hospital, and may vary depending on the type of treatment, the number of sessions, or the duration of the treatment program (in cases of hospitalization).

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