
The latest treatment methods

The page on the latest treatment methods in Turkey contains the most advanced methods with the least side complications that may greatly affect the patient’s life.
This page also contains many popular treatments in Turkey, such as hair transplantation, obesity surgeries, and organ transplants.

In addition to operations that are difficult to perform in Arab countries due to their absence or their high cost and their being performed only by the rich.

Modern treatments have been sorted according to each specialty.

The latest treatment methods currently available in Türkiye are:

الداخلية العصبية




اختصاص الجراحة العامة

General Surgery

جراحة القلب والأوعية الدموية

Cardiovascular Surgery

النسائية والتوليد

Gynecology Obstetrics


Internal Medicine

جراحة المخ والأعصاب


الأمراض السرطانية


جراحة أنف أذن حنجرة


الجراحة البولية



Orthopedics Traumatology

طب الأسنان


جراحة الصدر


اختصاص الجراحة التجميلية والترميمية

Plastic Reconstructive

  • Best FUE Hair Transplant & Its Cost
    The FUE hair transplant or extraction technique is the most commonly used technique for treating hair loss as a non-surgical […]
  • DHI Hair Transplantation and Its Cost
    DHI hair transplantation is considered the latest technique performed in the plastic field in Turkey, which had a great role […]
  • Robotic hair transplant in Turkey
    Robotic hair transplant in Turkey is considered one of the newest technologies in the field of hair transplantation due to […]

أمراض العين

Eye diseases

  • Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery
    Laser-assisted cataract surgery is used to treat cataracts in the eye. Improving vision after this surgery is faster and better […]

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